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Safer Spaces Policy


Uni-Tango is a dance festival that aims to promote Argentine Tango and provide an environment where everyone can learn, practice, perform and enjoy that dance. In order to achieve this goal, it is important that all people who attend our event feel safe and comfortable to dance and socialize. We aim for each dancer to enjoy the dance while creating a safe, comfortable, and enjoyable experience for their partners and the community.


We are dedicated to providing a welcoming environment to all who participate regardless of age, ethnicity, religion, nationality, gender, sexual orientation, disability, body size, or ability to dance.



Dancers accept that Tango is a close contact activity.



The basic concept of all interactions is consent.

1. All attendees must respect the right of others to say, “No.”

2. All attendees should respect others in attendance.

3. There will not be activity that will create a hostile environment.

4. All attendees are expected to follow tango common rules of etiquette.

5. Dancers will practice floor craft and navigation that respects other dancers on the floor. If one bumps into another dancer or couple, acknowledge it immediately, apologize quickly and resume dancing.

6. During a tanda at a milonga, a partner's ability will be respected and there will be no teaching or critique taking place unless the partner specifically and explicitly requests feedback.

7. If a dancer mentions that he/she feels uncomfortable with the action of a partner, the partner will correct it immediately.

8. The distance between the dancers, and the extent of their body contact, should not be closer than what’s comfortable for both dancers.

9. Inappropriate behavior such as unwelcome physical contact, sexual attention or harassment (including unwelcome photography), will not be tolerated.

10. All dancers must respect the neighborhood and not cause a disturbance to the local community.

11. All laws of the city, state, and country will be followed.



It is the responsibility of all attendees to abide by the Code of Conduct and be held accountable for violations or harassing behavior. Anyone experiencing or witnessing a violation of the codes of conduct should feel free to clearly state their objection to the offending party if at all possible. In addition, please let the Uni-Tango staff know about any violations of this policy as well as any behavior that you find concerning, whether or not it violates this policy. Even if you think it isn't a major issue, we want to know about it so we can address issues early, identify patterns, and prevent situations from escalating.


The organizers of Uni-Tango will take all accusations of harassment or abuse seriously. However, anonymous reports cannot be acted upon. There can be no third person reports (no second-hand information). Uni-Tango needs to validate the veracity of any report.



If a participant violates the code of conduct, Uni-Tango organizers may take any action they deem appropriate, including but not limited to any of the following:

1. Verbal warning by an officer of Uni-Tango. In such a situation the person making the report or complaint does not have to be identified.

2. A person who continues to disregard the rules, or whose violation is more egregious, may be expelled from the event without refund.

3. A person who is in repeated egregious violation may be banned from attendance at all Uni-Tango events.

4. If the problem escalates, or is a violation of the law, the police will be notified. There will be no public statements about the action. We also reserve the right to remove anyone we believe to be intoxicated or in an otherwise altered state.



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